Nodir devon beghi madrasah

 Madrasah Nadir Devonbegi Madrasah in Bukhara , part of architectural ensemble of the 16th- 17th centuries Lyabi-hauz. The madrasah was built in 1622 - 1623 . By the vizier of Imam Kuli Khan Uzbek dignitary Nodir Devon run as a caravansarai but was later converted into madrasah.
 In 1993 the madrasah along with other monu

ments of the historical center of the Bukhara was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.
Nodir Devonbegi Madrasah is located in the eastern part of the Lyabi-hauz square, opposite the khanaka Nadir Devonbegi , thus forming a both with a khanaka . On the central line of the kosh is the house Devonbegi. 
The portal of the madrasah is decorated with mosaic images of fallow deer and two simurg birds that look at the sun. The remains of the mosaics are visible on the side facades. According to the legend; Nadir Devonbegi planned to open a Caravan-sarai and earn some extra money : Lyabi-hauz square was busy shopping area at that time so there would be no end to the guests . But an overlay came up . At the time of the discovery; khan Imam Kuli for his own reasons called the construction of the madrasah , a spiritual school. 


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