
Сообщения за ноябрь, 2022

The third day of the practise

 Today, 30.11.2020 we visited mosque Magoki Aftari. The most ancient preserved Bukhara mosque Magoki Aftari (in translation means "the mosque in the pit","deep mosque") is situated in the center of the city, near the Lyabi Hovuz complex. Before the Arabian conquest trade market for species and herbs sellers (the attars) was established at the site of mosque.  Considerable reconstruction of the monument is attributed to the 12the century when the main facade of mosque being the masterplece of the architectural decor was encased all over again . In the 16 the century this was a small block mosque.

The second day of the practise

 Today we learnt about the Salamhona and mosque in the Ark .Around the Salamhona at the end of the cornidon are what remain of the royal apartments .These apporently fell into such disrepair that the last two emirs preferred full time residence at the summer place . The most interesting displays here cover Bukhara's history from the Shaybonids to the tsars .Displays include a huge whip attributed to the Mythical hero Rustam , the padlock that used to secure the Ark gates and a case used to make positions to emin . Another room contains the emir's throre as well containts of the ill fated British officiers Stoddart and Corolly who were eventually ,executed infront of the fortress on registan sque.

The fist day in the Ark

Today is our first day in Ark which is famous and historical monument. Every year millions of people vizit here.Our teacher gave us a lot of information about the Ark .The given picture is the photo of the samovar which was gifted to Amir Olimkhon . .